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Romania – Activ8 Competences

Country: Romania
Location: Panciu (Vrancea)
Our partner is looking for 1 ESC volunteer.
DATES: 5 months between November 2019 and end of June 2020
DURATION: 5 months

Project Description

The projects involve volunteers form different EU countries. According to their interests/competences the volunteers could be involved in the following activities:

At the Daily Centre Pinocchio
Directly managed by the Applicant organization and accredited as a social service provider. Beneficiaries are disadvantaged children (3-16 y.o.) and their families. From Monday to Friday, ESC volunteers’ tasks can make workshops on recycling, games, crafts, cinema and sports activities, organization of special events (Christmas, Carnival masks, games with Easter eggs, birthdays); activities related to the promotion of healthy nutrition (culinary workshops with typical recipes, breakfast „at the statue“ in front of the school, social canteen); and if a volunteer is interested in social media, he/she can publish posts on the Applicant’s Facebook page, updating of website with witnesses, pictures and videos.

At the Kindergarten nr. 1 of Panciu (children 3-6 y.o.)
Belonging to the Technological High School “A.I. Cuza”: Once a week, ESC volunteers will develop educational nonformal activities like creative workshops on recycling, music, painting, theatre, use of different materials to develop physico-physical sensoriality, like for example create environments, scenarios and stories with the children in order to develop children’s emotional-social-cognitive development as well as volunteer’s skills and creativity.

At the Documentation and Information Centre of the „Ioan Slavici“ Theoretical High School
Once a week ESC volunteers can organize “tandem language learning” a face-to-face non formal learning method based on mutual language exchange between ESC volunteers and Romanian young students.

At the Social Residential Centre for elderly people “Sf. Ioan” of Panciu
Once a week, the Centre belongs to the Municipality of Panciu and it can accommodate 34 elderly people. ESC volunteers can make artistic/theatrical activities, language exchanges, dances, knitting, embroidery, doll making, hand-made greeting cards and other decorative items, foreign language non-formal lessons, birthday parties and religious celebrations.

At the Family Modules for orphans minors in Panciu.
It a structure under the subordination of the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC) Vrancea, having a capacity of 32 places and currently hosting a number of 24 children. Once a week ESC volunteers can help the minors with homework, sports and leisure activities with the minors that do not go home during the weekend.

More information here.

Profile of the Volunteer

  • Age 18-30 (30+ 364 days at the moment of the project’s submission);
  • Basic English knowledge and strong motivation to volunteering;
  • Not having already taken part in an Erasmus+ volunteering activity or an EVS for more than 2 months;
  • Registration in the European Solidarity Corps Portal;
  • In addition, for the volunteers of the educational sector a previous experience in the educational field, better if with disadvantaged children, is preferable;
  • Previous experiences/competences in the IT, graphical and promotional fields are welcome.

How to Apply

If you are interested send your CV and motivation letter to and put in a copy.

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