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Project RISE

Project summary

The project RISE – Respect, Inclusion, Solidarity, Equality focuses mainly on the inclusion and support of groups in society affected by COVID-19 and its associated consequences and limitations. The project consists of short-term (15-day) volunteering team activities where volunteers support people with fewer opportunities and special needs in the Czech Republic.
During the activities, volunteers will experience summer camps for children, young people and adults with disabilities and special needs and assist a home for the elderly in organizing activities for its residents. The volunteers will not only meet people from different countries and cultures, but also people with different opportunities and needs and different generations.
Through this, we aim to spread solidarity and respect in society and mutual understanding between different groups. Besides that, we aim to motivate the volunteers to stay active and think about different opportunities in society and also different consequences of COVID-19 for them in their own countries and communities.
Thanks to their participation in the RISE project, they will not only gain inspiration but also know-how and practical experience for their own involvement in the field of interest in their local communities.
On the other hand, the participants of summer camps and the clients of the old people’s home will have the opportunity to meet people from various countries.

What we achieved so far

Centre for all

During two weeks in July a group of volunteers from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, France and the Czech Republic again supported Czech organization Centrum pro všechny (Centre for all). Together with Czech assistants they carried out various free time activities for young people with disabilities. They helped them with mobility, as well as with everyday tasks (such as dressing up, personal hygiene etc.). During the camp, it was very hot and sunny, so they also spent some time in the nearby forest. In their free time volunteers explored nearby cities and swimming pools. Thanks to their fellow campers, they learnt some Czech words and songs.

Centre for all Survivor

Second run of the camp for people with disabilities took place in August. This group of volunteers went through some challenging times – some of them got sick and then a big storm came, which destroyed some of the tents! But they all survived and with dedication and passion they carried on and supported the campers to have a good summer time. In their free time, they got well-deserved rest.

Assist the Elderly in Prague

Our long-term volunteer Ginger was a campleader for the very first time. Her group of volunteers from Spain, Hungary, Ukraine and Portugal supported elderly people in a daily life. Luckily this year they didn´t face any obstacles connected to the pandemic, so they could spend a lot of time with elderly and prepared entertaining free time activities for them, for example interactive language workshops, art origami sessions and outdoor walks in lovely parks.

Read about the project and see it through the eyes of its campleader, Ginger:

Centre for all

In the summer of 2022, the first activity of the project took place in the Czech village of Jizbice. The group of international volunteers joined a volunteering team activity called Centre for all. The volunteers came from Spain, France, Hungary, Portugal and the Czech Republic. Their main taks was to be involved in activities with people with mental and physical disabilities. The daily programme involved playing group games, excursions to the surrounding area, sports activities and treasure hunts. The volunteers gained a lot of new experience and developed their skills – such as working with people with disabilities and communication. The volunteers also learned about Czech culture and the local way of life and, on the other hand, had the chance to show something from their culture.
Check out photos from the project.

Centre for all Army Handicamp

The second activity was very similar to the first, with the only difference that our local partner chose ARMY as the focus of this activity. All the games and other tasks were based on a military theme. The volunteers came from Spain, France, Hungary, Portugal and the Czech Republic.
Their role was to support the Czech assistants in activities with people with mental and physical disabilities. The volunteers helped with basic daily tasks such as dressing, eating and personal hygiene, but also the participated in the camp’s programme. The participants also had the chance to learn about the Czech integrated rescue system. 
Check out photos from this project.

Assist the Elderly in Prague

The third activity welcomed volunteers from Austria, France, Hungary, Portugal and the Czech Republic. Volunteers involved in the volunteering team activity called Assist the Elderly in Prague came to the Czech Republic in order to help elderly people spend their free time in an interesting way. The purpose was to organise leisure activities, events and outdoor activities with the clients of the Centre for Social Care and Nursing in Prague 15.
In their free time, the volunteers explored Prague and joined social events (such as barbecue together with employees of our organisation). Unfortunately, the activity programme was interrupted by the outbreak of COVID and the volunteers had to isolate themselves. Due to these circumstances, the volunteers weren´t able to spend as much time with the clients as expected. This activity will be repeated in 2023, and hopefully under better conditions.
Check out photos from this project.

What they wrote about us

Partners of the project

The project is coordinated by INEX-SDA. On the project we cooperate with our partner organisations from Portugal, Hungary, Italy, Spain (Catalunya), France and Austria.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”

Coordinator contact details

Alena Cabalka
+420 731 163 670

Opening of workcamp season

On March 3rd, the 2025 workcamp season will open!🎉 What does that mean? All approx. 20 Czech workcamps will be published in our database, but also, you will be able to find up to 1000 workcamps from approx. 50 countries there! 🌍 You have a lot to look forward to! Put the date in your diary and read all the information about the workcamps in the meantime.