Could you describe your volunteering journey to us?
I’ve been volunteering since my early teens in various organizations. This summer I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to lead one of INEX workcamps. I volunteered as a campleader at a workcamp for teenagers in the beautiful region of Karlovy Vary in the West of Czechia. We were a big group of 20 volunteers, 12 Czechs, 8 internationals and 4 campleaders. We were living and working at Hauenstejn Castle for 2 weeks.
How has volunteering influenced your life?
Many young people enter the volunteering world to develop themself. I was also one of them. At the begging, I was looking for a safe work environment where I will be allowed to develop my competencies and learn more about myself. But after my first volunteering experiences, I acknowledged that this is something that makes me happy. I was always searching for a purpose in my life and volunteering keeps me mentally stimulated, and add more zest to my life. Also, volunteering gave me the opportunity to see the world and travel to places that I never considered visiting before. Perhaps the biggest influence of volunteering on my life are the chances to break out of my daily routine and step out of my comfort zone.
Regarding my latest volunteering experience as a campleader at a teenage workcamp I was blessed to meet great young volunteers who were very eager to speak to me and interact with me. It was my first experience with underage volunteers, and their spark of youth gave me the courage to keep making the world a better place, one volunteering project at a time.
What impact has you volunteering had on other people, community, planet…?

I am always trying to be part of volunteering projects that have a grassroots positive impact on the local society and environment. During my volunteering at the INEX workcamp in the castle, I had the opportunity to lead my team of volunteers in the various task. We were working on the preservation of the nature around the castle and we were also doing some reconstruction. The people of the castle were enjoying our presence and we were spending most of the evenings with them. We also visited lots of museums and historical attraction in the region and learned about local history.
INEX has in its vision that „we believe, that volunteering and cooperation on both local and global level is a path towards mutual understanding and non-violence“. What is your take on that? Do you believe it?
I strongly believe that INEX is working in the right direction. Intercultural communication through volunteering project promotes a better cultural understanding and teaches non-violent communication. I believe that workcamps are microcosms of our planet. Being a part of a workcamp experience gives you the opportunity to be a part of the team and work together for a good cause.
Where will your next volunteering journey go?
I’m looking forward to being part of many more workcamps. Also, I would like to contribute more and organize my own workcamps. Next year, I am also planning to be a part of a volunteering project in Asia.