The project consists of 12 volunteering teams involving 138 volunteers from Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and France over a period of 2 years. The activities are implemented in Italian cities. Volunteers are supporting the social and healthcare system for some specific target groups, such as people without homes, children with immunodeficiency or cancer and refugees, whose living conditions have worsened as an indirect consequence of the pandemic of COVID-19.

What was achieved so far

Volunteering Teams in 2023
Supporting an NGO for social assistance and intercultural activities
Torino, Italy
In July 2023 INEX-SDA was a sending organization for three volunteers from the Czech Republic. They joined a volunteering team in Torino, where they helped a local NGO Progetto Tenda. Progetto Tenda is a social NGO, which assists people with different social and economical difficulties and backgrounds. Together with local volunteers, they implemented activities such as music workshops, supported the guests of the NGO in the visits to two important museums and helped with the maintenance of the spaces of the NGO.

Support at refugees center
Caltanissetta, Italy

The second activity was implemented in cooperation with the non-profit organization “I Girasoli”. This organization focuses on promoting hospitality, protection and integration of refugees and asylum seekers. They offer hospitality and protection including an integration process aiming at personal needs, social and mental well-being. This process includes: school, work, health, bureaucracy and personal expression thanks to cultural and artistic events.

One volunteer from the Czech Republic joined the volunteering team in Riesi (Sicily) to support the activities of I Girasoli. Volunteers supported manual and agricultural activities connected with the harvest of almonds in a field confiscated from the mafia. They carried out the activities together with the young refugees residing at the Centre.

Together in Solidarity with Caritas Center
Sant´Agata Di Militello, Italy

In December 2023 we sent one last volunteer of this year. Our volunteer joined a volunteering team in Sant´Agata Di Militello. Together with other international volunteers they supported activities of the Caritas Centre. The main activities were for example food collection and delivery to local parishes, maintenance and organization of the “solidarity emporium” for people in need, solidarity market, social gardening etc. Since the volunteering team took place in December, they also carried out Christmas game evening with families with economic difficulties.

Volunteering Teams in 2024

Tenda Project: Supporting Intercultural Activity
Torino, Italy

In June 2024 we sent three volunteers to Torino, where they supported activities of NGO Progetto Tenda. The international volunteers joined local volunteers and local staff and together they were running their daily social assistance activities. They helped with the maintenance of the space and implemented intercultural workshops.

Caritas Summer activities with kids 1
Sant´Agata Di Militello, Italy

Our next volunteer joined the Volunteering Team, which was supporting the Caritas Centre. International volunteers joined local volunteers and together they were preparing activities for children, such as games and sports. Volunteers were also responsible for time management of the activities, as well as logistics.

Interculturalism and volunteering in a land confiscated from the mafia
Caltanissetta, Italy

Our last volunteer joined the Volunteering Team in September, during which volunteers again supported local non-profit organization “I Girasoli”. Volunteers were involved in manual and agricultural activities in a field confiscated from the mafia. The activities took place in the rural area of the province of Caltanissetta. Throughout the activities they also learnt about migration and reception process in Italy.

Partners of the project

The project is coordinated by Associazione InformaGiovanni (Italy). On the project they cooperate with partner organizations from Italy, Spain, Czech Republic and France.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”