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INSPIRIT is a three-year Erasmus+ project which brings together universities and voluntary organizations based in Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic.

„We believe that cooperation of universities and international volunteering will form a new generation of active leaders inspiring the whole society.“

Project’s goals

  • To bring out a new generation of active leaders who will inspire the whole society
  • To initiate a dialogue between voluntary organizations and universities
  • To make universities recognize leaders’ experience (as an internship or training) within university curriculum
  • To measure the impact of being a leader on students’ competency development by doing qualitative research
  • To promote the idea of international volunteering and ways of non – formal learning at universities

How to join

  • Campleader – Are you a university student? Would you like to become a campleader and research participant? Would you like to help us introduce this kind of internship/training at your alma mater?

    Write us on
  • Partner university – Do you work at university? Would you like to add this campleader experience to the list of recognized internships?

    Write us on


  • educational cycle for campleaders (national) – weekend training – workcamp leading – evaluation and reflection gathering
  • international meeting – will be consist of reflection of leaders´experience + creative space for their multiplication activites and presentation skills development
  • international research – qualitative research will be done to measure the impact of being a campleader on university students’ competency
  • documentary – following not only the leaders’ path, but also the cooperation with universities which will be a valuable resource when reaching out to new universities and promo material for multiplication activities
  • handbook of good practice – will be published in order to share all the good practice gained while doing research and cooperating with universities, will be provided to our Alliance network partner organizations to promote the idea of international volunteering at both European and international universities


voluntary organizations:
IBG Germany
YAP Italy

Mgr. Ondřej Bárta, Social Research and Evaluation Freelance Professional, Czech Republic
prof. Maurizio Merico, Department of Social and Political Studies, University of Salerno,Italy
Ph.D student Nadia Crescenzo, Department of Political, Social and Communication Sciences, University of Salerno, Italy
Dr. Serena Quarta, Department of History, Society and Human Studies, University of Salerno, Italy
MA Zijad Nadaff, Social Research and Evaluation Freelance Professional, Germany


Opening of workcamp season

On March 3rd, the 2025 workcamp season has opened!🎉 What does that mean? All approx. 20 Czech workcamps will be published in our database, but also, you will be able to find up to 1000 workcamps from approx. 50 countries there! 🌍 You have a lot to look forward to! Put the date in your diary and read all the information about the workcamps in the meantime.