Long-term projects
Have you participated in a workcamp and did you have a great time? Are you interested in volunteering abroad and getting new experience within the context of a local culture?
What is MTV and LTV?
Besides workcamps, you can find in our database mid-term (MTV) and long-term (LTV) volunteering projects. They last from 1 to 12 months. Long-term volunteering brings higher impact not only for the local community, but also for volunteers themselves.
The projects usually run for the whole year and you can choose how long you´d like to stay (you can write the dates in the application. Other projects have set dates. Please read the project descriptions for more information. In case of any questions, don´t hesitate to contact us.
We cooperate with partner organizations from different regions – that gives you the opportunity to join a project in one of xy countries. Our partners abroad organize the projects in cooperation with their local partners. Every year there are around xy projects in the database – mainly in Europe (through European Solidarity Corps https://www.inexsda.cz/en/activities/european-solidarity-corps/) , Africa, Asia and America.
Project theme
In the database you can find projects with 19 different themes. The most common themes are the environment, education and work with children/youth. If you want to clear your head and work mainly manually, you can search for reconstruction work or work on the farm. You can also find various social projects, administrative work etc.
During project you will have enough free time to travel around. The local host can give you recommendations, which places to visit. Sometimes there is a workcamp during the long-term project, so you can plan your free time together with a group of volunteers.
Accommodation and food
The local host arranges accommodation and food. Sometimes there is little pocket money provided. Please read the project description carefully.
Why to join a long-term volunteering project?
- you will become a member of a local community
- you will improve your language skills
- you will meet new people
- you will improve your qualification
- you will get to know the local culture deeper
The long-term projects ideally balance benefits for you as a volunteer and benefits for the local community.
Who can join long-term volunteering?
Unless stated otherwise in the project description, the projects are open for volunteers 18+.
The communicative language of the majority of projects is English. The most important thing is to participate and not to be afraid to talk with others and long-term volunteering is a great opportunity to learn that. You don’t need any certificate or diploma of your language skills. Sometimes a more advanced language level of English is required (for example for teaching children). Some projects might also require knowledge of a second language (for example Spanish).
Managing expectations
Volunteering project are for everyone, who are ready to integrate in a new and culturally different environment. Flexibility, open mind a and being tolerant are key aspects of positive volunteering experience. Please bear in mind that the hosting organisation spends weeks or even months with preparations of the project and if you cancel your participation, it causes them inconvenience. Please consider your application carefully – you are not going to save the world, but you are going to cooperate with local people.
Financial costs
Registration fee
To process your application you need to pay a registration fee. If we don’t receive your payment we cannot process your application.You can pay by through a payment gate at the end of the registration process. All the information will be in the confirmation email. The registration fee is valid till the end of a calendar year.
Registration fee: 3 300 Kč
Countries within the Global Volunteering Cycle:
South and Central America, Africa, Asia (Japan, South Korea, Russia and Turkey excluded) incl. Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Jordan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Taiwan, Ukraine.
When volunteering in those countries, you have to participate at a pre-departure meeting.
If you’d like to support our activities, you can add a donation to your registration fee. Thank you very much!
Cancellation fee
After acceptance, the hosting organization counts with your participation. If you have to cancel your participation for any reason, we will reimburse you part of your registration fee. Your application is subject to the cancellation fees specified in the conditions of participation (Czech). If you have to cancel your participation because of health issues, please contact us and we will solve it on an individual basis. obchodní podmínky
Other expenses
Some of the hosting organizations can charge a participation fee (incoming/extra fee) that helps them finance accommodation and food for volunteers. The fees are always listed in the description of each project – usually there is an amount charged for one month, but we recommend you to double check this information with the hosting organization through us).
- travel costs
- visa (if needed)
- vaccination (if needed)
- travel insurance
Arrangement of all those things is your responsibility, but we can help you with everything if needed.
Selection of a long-term project
How to choose your project
You can find around … projects in … countries in our database and you want to choose one. You can filter by dates, country and project theme.
- Please consider, what is more important for you – the destination or theme of the project,
- consider the living costs in selected country,
- look for traveling options,
- do you want to volunteer in the Global North or South,
- think about your motivation, your interests, experience, knowledge and expectations – and choose your project based on those.
If you choose a project in a country of the Global South, you will have to join a pre-departure meeting. Please apply well in advance (ideally two and more months). Before applying please check the dates of the pre-departure meeting and your availability during that weekend.
You can choose a project in our database. Since INEX-SDA is a partner of the international network Service Civil International (SCI), you can also search for a project in their external database. If any of their projects catches your attention, please contact us on ltv@inexsda.cz to discuss further process.
buttons to database and SCI database
How to apply
When we get your registration fee and all required documents (some projects require a motivation letter, CV, references, Criminal record etc.), we will send your application to the hosting organization which will decide about your acceptance.
If you’re not accepted to the first chosen project, we will send your application to your second or third choice.
The processing of your application takes 1 – 20 days, it all depends on the hosting organization. We will inform you about the results by email.
IMPORTANT: INEX can only send Czech citizens or residents of the Czech Republic to voluntary projects.
If you have a different nationality, you do not have a permanent residence in the Czech Republic or you do not live here for at least one year, find a sending organisation in your country of origin.
You can search for your sending organisation at networks of our partner organisations:
Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations
Service Civil International
If you are a foreigner and you do have a permanent residence in the Czech Republic, but you do not speak Czech, please contact us.

Alena Cabalka
+420 731 163 670