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Are you interested in global issues? Are you craving for work experience in a non-profit organization operating abroad? Do you want to become an active member of a network of globally engaged young people? Apply for GLEN - Global Learning and Education Network!

What is GLEN?

GLEN (Global Learning and Education Network) is a network of non-governmental and governmental organisations as well as committed young people who are involved in global education. It is a joint non-profit, politically independent initiative of eleven organisations from Europe and Africa.

GLEN envisions a world in which people reflect on the realities of the globalised world and their own role in it, and join hands, minds and hearts to build fair and sustainable societies.

For that, GLEN creates spaces for people and organisations to learn and develop their potential as global actors and empowers them to contribute to fair and sustainable development of their community, country and the world. Based on its worldwide experience as an integrated network and eager to learn from others, GLEN wants to become a “global partner network”, foster fair and fruitful partnerships and contribute to the joint development of global learning concepts and programmes.

What does GLEN offer?

GLEN’s core activity is an annual training and experience programme for young Europeans called Multipliers Training Cycle (MTC), consisting of:

  • 3 seminars
  • a three-month project-based internship in host organization (in Asia, Africa and Europe excluding EU)
  • personal or group project related to awareness raising and global education activities
  • Every year more than 60 young Europeans and Beninese between 20 and 30 years old participate in this training cycle.

What are the parts of GLEN?

  • theoretical and practical experience with global challenges
  • 2-3 participants from different European countries who take part in internships in partner organisations
  • innovative and participative non-formal education

Through our activities we are trying to contribute to

  • learning and reflecting on global interdependencies in today’s world
  • fair and sustainable development of our societies
  • responsible development policy
  • relations development of partners from Europe, Asia, Africa and South America based on equal partnerships and mutual respect
  • DIVERSITY, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, EMPATHY, RESPONSIBILITY, LEARNING a JOY are values and principles, on which GLEN is based.

Projects for 2019

Applications closed

Who is GLEN looking for?

  • Are you 21 – 30 years old?
  • Are you interested in global topics and specifically one of the offered internships?
  • Are you able to contribute to the project thanks to your education, qualification or experience?
  • Are you motivated to active participation in all three seminars? Can you take part in all of them in their full duration?
  • Are you craving for realizing your own action project?

If your answers are yes, we are looking exactly for you!

How to apply?

The procces of applying and time schedule of two-round open competition you can find here (in Czech).

We accept the applications till 10. 1. 2019

In case you have any further questions, please contact the coordinator of GLEN in the Czech Republic: Barbora Nechanicka,

Timeline of the MTC 2019

24. – 28. 4. 2019 first seminar, Flecken Zechlin, Germany
5. – 9. 6. 2019 second seminar, Flecken Zechlin, Germany
July – November 2019 internship in one of the partner countries
November 2019 – March 2020 own project or educational activity back home
Ferbuary/March 2020 final RENew seminar, place and exact date will be specifies

Opening of workcamp season

On March 3rd, the 2025 workcamp season has opened!🎉 What does that mean? All approx. 20 Czech workcamps will be published in our database, but also, you will be able to find up to 1000 workcamps from approx. 50 countries there! 🌍 You have a lot to look forward to! Put the date in your diary and read all the information about the workcamps in the meantime.