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Free projects

Would you like to participate in a European Voluntary Service project? Take a look at the list of current free projects and read the detailed descriptions. If you like a specific project, contact the hosting organization on the adress indicated at the end of the description. INEX will help you and give you some advice on how to go through the process.

Approved projects

Read the detailed information about the projects and if you’re interested in one, contact a sending organization mentioned at the end of the project’s description. INEX will help you and advise you throughout the process.

We are only presenting the projects our partner organizations asked us to. You can also approach us if you’re interested in the project that isn’t presented below.

These projects were approved and gained financial support from the European Union. INEX is a sending organization here and is guaranteed at least one space for a volunteer from the Czech Republic.

Spuštění workcampové sezóny

3. března se otevřela letošní workcampová sezóna!🎉 Co to znamená? V naší databázi najdeš až 1000 workcampů z přibližně 50 zemí světa! 🌍 Máš se tedy na co těšit! Zapiš si datum do diáře a prozatím si pročti informace o workcampech.