Bulgaria – Balkan Ecology Project
Country: Bulgaria
Location: Shipka
We are looking for 2 ESC volunteers
DATES: April 2020 – September 2020
DURATION: 6 months
DEADLINE: 14th February 2020
Project Description
This volunteering project of the Green School Village is funded by the European Solidarity Corps and is for 6 months (April-September 2020) for 2 young people (age 18-30) to join the Balkan Ecology Project (www.balkep.org) team in the small town of Shipka, Bulgaria at the foothills of the Balkan mountains and the Valley of Roses and Thracian Kings. This volunteering opportunity has 2 main themes – helping the Polyculture Project team at BALKEP to develop food growing systems that enhance biodiversity, and showing solidarity with the local community through a variety of interesting tasks and activities, often in co-operation with the local mayor. There is also the possibility of planning for a Solidarity project with the local young people for their creative vision.
More information you can find here.
Tasks of the Volunteer
- You will be actively involved in the exciting new development of perennial polyculture gardens at BALKEP, taking part in the research trials and gaining free access to all the courses scheduled at BALKEP during your stay
- You will be spending time each week showing solidarity with the local community by helping to create a community garden, assisting the mayor’s team with developing a rest zone by a river walk, maintaining a useful irragation system that the community rely on and also the local mountaints trails.
- You will keep a journal and write a blog about your progress, tracikng your volunteering experience.
How to Apply
If you are interested fill this online form.