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Do you want to become a leader? Czech workcamps need their leaders taking care of an international group of volunteers.

Are you interested in this challenge? To work on your self-development while discovering the beauty of the Czech Republic in a very unique way? Then do not wait another day and take one step closer to a perfect and eventfull summer experience.

What does it mean to lead a workcamp?


Workcamp is one to a maximum of three-week long voluntary project where a group of volunteers from all over the world work and spend free time together. The group usually works for 6 hours, 5 days a week. The work does not require specific skills or previous experience and is unpaid. The thing that matters the most is your own motivation.

Leaders’ role

Every workcamp needs one or two leaders. The same goes for Czech republic. More than 30 Czech workcamps require around 60 leaders who are part of the team and also have little more responsibility than a regular volunteer. It is important for the leader to communicate with the team, to organize time after working hours and to motivate them. Leaders’ role is to make the team happy with their work and host organization satisfied with results of volunteers’ work.

Focus of workcamps

Focus of workcamps is an important factor in choosing what kind of workcamp you would like to lead. Czech workcamps are divided into 4 categories that are listed below.

– Help the community

Volunteers help with organization of music festivals, events for kids or they help with renovation of sights, parks etc. Workcamps are held in big cities and small villages. By participating at this kind of workcamp you can meet a lot of other volunteers and locals and get to know new cultures.

– Help the landmarks

You will help with renovation of landmarks such as castles, chateaus, natural museums and so on. Volunteers will help with construction work, organization of events or maintenance of parks. These projects will help you learn about history of those sights and about heritage preservation.

– Help the people

You can work in socially excluded locality, nursing home or with children with disabilities. You can also help with renovation of community center or, for example, at bio-agriculture company.

– Help the nature

Volunteers participate at workcamps focused on helping at protected landscape areas. You can help with creation of nature trails or natural buildings made of sustainable material. Volunteers will learn something about local environment as well. Workcamps are mostly held in forests or other natural localities.


After working hours there is plenty of time to visit interesting places, cultural events and other collective activities with the rest of the volunteers or locals. If you have any suggestions about how to spend time with your friends after work, there is an open space for suggestions.

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and food are provided by the hosting organization. The volunteers can help with cooking or  they make meals together. The accommodation is usually not very luxurious. Volunteers sleep in school, tents or gyms. In some cases it is good to bring your own sleeping bag and sleeping mat, in other cases you will be accommodated by a host family.

Why to become a workcamp leader?

In general, as a campleader you have a great opportunity to try a leadership role in an international group and meet people from different countries and cultures. At the same time you help the local organization and you learn more about their work. Last but not least, you get a great chance to work on your personal development and gain new experience.
For expats living in the country, workcamps create a unique way of learning about and discovering Czech Republic, its’ nature, people, culture and more.

Who can be a campleader?

You need to speak English (Czech is not necessary, as you will be paired with a Czech campleader) so you can communicate with your team and be at least 18 years old. You do not need to have previous workcamp experience but it is an advantage if you do.


Refundable deposit for the training program is 800 CZK, send it to our account 2100114178/2010 (Fio banka) and as a note write “campleader_last name”. We will refund the money after you lead a workcamp and all deliver to us all required documents.

The fee involves:

  • leader training
  • snacks, drinks and lunch
  • first aid training
  • possibility of participation at workshops in the Czech Republic or abroad
  • transport to workcamp
  • accommodation and food at workcamp
  • allowance
  • educational materials
  • support from INEX
  • 25% discount for your next workcamp abroad

This fee does not include transport to leader training.

How to apply?

New leaders are prepared during a training cycle for campleaders. The crucial part of the cycle is a weekend training that will be led by experienced campleaders and INEX trainers. By applying to the training cycle and paying the fee you apply for the workcamp leading experience.

1. Leader training

One day training

What to expect from being a leader? What is partner and inclusive leadership? How to avoid conflicts? How to motivate a team? You will learn all of that at your campleader training.

If the date of the training does not fit your schedule, it is no problem, we will figure it our with you individually.

The training already happened, now we will train you on individual basis.

Online training for campleaders

Can not manage to join us offline during the weekend training? No problem, we have you covered. We have created an online training for campleaders, where you are going to learn all the things you would during the offline training and much more. You decide yourself the time and intensity of your studies.🙂

2. First aid training

It is good for you to know at least basics of health care so you can help with small wounds, sunburns or allergic reactions. Even if your workcamp goes smoothly this is something you can use at some point in your life.

Training already happened, now we will train you on individual basis.

3. Workcamp in the role of a leader

Being a leader means to be a part of a team, not its’ boss. You will work with them and obey every rule just as any other volunteer. In addition, your job will be to operate a small budget, organize work and motivate your team.

4. Evaluation meeting

What have I learned and how can I use it? Weekend meeting with campleaders full of inspiration, experience and motivation will be closure to your big journey. The date of the evaluation meeting will be added.

5. Educational workshops in the Czech Republic or abroad

We offer you more than 10 workshops abroad (how to work with haters, gender topics, children and youth). As a leader you can participate for free or with a discount at one workshop in the Czech Republic and one abroad.

Campleader training, first aid training and workcamp are obligatory. The evaluation meeting, which takes place after your project and educational workshops are voluntary.



Jana Hejkrlíková
+420 608 744 146


The activity is part of the annual programme of the informal network IGnet funded by the European Union.